Covering our city in prayer

On May 23rd to celebrate Pentecost as the churches together in Derby we will be gathering online for the annual Thy Kingdom Come celebration - you can join by going to youtube and searching for Derby City Vision. We'd love churches in Derby to join us and to be a part of it. We long to see the churches across the city united together to pray and work for the good of our city. So in the run up to the Pentecost celebration, during the first 3 weeks of May, we are looking to prayer walk every street and area of Derby. We have created an app which you can download here:

Complete the login details on the website and it will create an app that will allow you to chose and mark off the streets that you want to walk and pray for. As you walk and pray we are longing to see spiritual transformation but we also want to see physical transformation so we're asking that people also litter pick as they pray that we might make a tangible difference across Derby.

For more information or any questions about how you and your church can get involved please contact Anna Mann -

For a promo video (see below) that can be shown in services or put on websites please also head to our YouTube Channel or you can download a copy here.

No one person or one church can do this by themselves. Only as a united church and people can we cover our whole city and pray that God's Kingdom would come and His will would be done across every street and every area that many might know salvation and transformation.